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Welcome To SIMA Abacus

Soroban Intelligent Mental Arithmetic (SIMA) Abacus Academy is an educational group that focuses on whole Brain Development. SIMA Abacus Academy offers a scientifically proven whole-brain development and enhancement program for children, from the ages of 3 to 13 years. The Programme draws out and unleashes the hidden latent Brain Power trapped in children at an early age when brain development is reaching its peak.

SIMA Abacus is an Academy that empowers its students to calculate faster than the calculator with the use of their minds (mentally).At SIMA Abacus, we believe that every child is a genius, every child is intelligent and all we do as an educational institute is to help our students discover and unleash this intelligence that is trapped within them. Read More

How the SIMA Abacus works

Consequently, by constantly manipulating the SIMA Abacus, students develop more neurons in their brain via the stimuli provided to the cerebrum (central nervous system) by the several contacts the fingers tips (peripheral nervous system) make with the SIMA Abacus. 

Besides neuron growth, the connections or networking (synapses) of these neurons is very important because it activates the brain cells and builds strong memory system. And the SIMA learning materials like the Flash Cards facilitates the achievement of neuron connections. Read More [How the SIMA Abacus works]

Our Vision

To be the leading most effective and efficient Whole Brain Development Institute, Abacus and Mental-Arithmetic education provider in Africa and beyond in the foreseeable future.

Our Mission

I.  To develop the Human Brain with the use of the SIMA Abacus and Mental Maths process which will empower the present and future generations with the brain capacity to creatively provide accurate and relevant solutions to our present and future societal problems, through the collaborative actions of the Left (logical) and the Right (creative) brain hemispheres.

II. To get the SIMA programme to grassroots globally via our Franchise Business Module thereby creating wealth for new entrepreneurs and jobs for the teeming youth within and outside the education sector.

SIMA Abacus Values

God first, Practice, Speed and Accuracy

SIMA’s Educational Goals

1.      To explore, extract and unleash inherent intelligence trapped in children.

2.      To create great minds by training children to apply imaginative brain power in problem solving.

3.      Improve memory power in children which supports information retention.

4.      To train Concentration of the mind which bring about reasoning, understanding, judgment, application and excellence.

5.      Improve Speed and Accuracy in Mental Maths computation.

6.      To boost Creativity via right brain training and development.

7.      To create an intellectually stimulating and vibrant learning environment.


“When both right and left hemispheres of our brain are combined and used effectively together, the results could be astonishing.”

-Albert Einstein

“When the brain is whole, the unified consciousness of the left and right hemispheres adds up to more than the individual properties of the separate hemispheres.”

-Roger Wolcott Sperry

Our Uniqueness


Multi-Coloured Abacus

Both-Hand Methodology

Both-Hand Methodology


Rhymed Concept Learning


Multi-Coloured Flash Card


Digital/ ANZAN Flash Training



These, and many more separate us from other Mental Maths groups. Read More [UNIQUENESS]



The SIMA Abacus programme provides a well–rounded education to develop children’s concentration, creative thinking, memory power, logical reasoning abilities and to boost children’s confidence to face life challenges. The benefits of the programme include, but are not limited to the following:

• Photographic Memory.
• Listening Skills.
• Concentration.
• Observation.
• Imagination.
• Creativity.
• Speed and Accuracy.
• Improves Numeracy.

Read More Benefits of SIMA Abacus

SIMA Abacus ANZAN Flash

SIMA Abacus ANZAN Flash

"SIMA Abacus is an interestingly educative programme that builds mental balance in children. Seeing first hand the impact of the SIMA Abacus programme in my pupils boosted my interest to the point of becoming a SIMA Abacus course instructor. As a proprietress, I will counsel and encourage fellow school owners to sign up with the SIMA Abacus programme."

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Mrs Maureen Anyehie-Okeke(Proprietress, Great HoneyBest Schools, Lagos.)

"When I first came in contact with the SIMA Abacus programme, in my doubt, I challenged one of the SIMA students with my calculator. The boy without any gadget beat me and my calculator hands down, in fact, he rendered my calculator useless in my hands. After this competition, I immediately registered my 6-year-old boy who amazingly  is already able to do mental calculations now within just 2 months of registration. SIMA Abacus is amazingly awesome!"

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Mr. Isaac Oladoye(Parent)

"The SIMA Abacus programme has positively affected my children’s performance in all their school subjects and they are doing excellently well. In their last term’s exams, they all came out with First Class (Distinction) results."

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Mr. Chijioke Unachukwu(Parent)

"Before joining the SIMA Abacus programme, I was very lackadaisical with my studies but now, SIMA Abacus has helped me to maintain focus and concentration. Again, Mathematics used to be a very difficult subject for me but SIMA Abacus has made Mathematics easy and enjoyable for me."

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Favour (Student)

"The SIMA Abacus has helped me to calculate faster than the calculator. It has also made me a wonder to both my teachers and fellow pupils at school. Anytime my class teacher gives us Maths sums to solve, I always come out  first with the correct answers."

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"The SIMA Abacus has helped me with retentive memory. Before now, information retention and  memorization was a big challenge to me but now, I can read a long passage like a Bible chapter with 25 or more verses, memorize it and then recall and recite it word for word."

Watch on Youtube


Business Opportunity

The Abacus and Mental Maths education business is a new, profitable and growing market in Nigeria, Africa and the world at large. SIMA Abacus with its team of highly motivated, creative, enthusiastic and energetic young people holds the greatest potential for growth in this industry.  We are currently furthering the expansion of our business through a qualitative franchise business module with you in mind. We seek partnerships in Nigeria and overseas.

Come join us, together as partners, we will create great minds and build brain power in our future generation.


We, therefore, invite Parents, Guardians, School Owners, and Authorities who desire the best brain development training for their wards to partner with us to achieve this goal.

On this note, I welcome you to the official Website of the SIMA Abacus & Mental Maths Academy. I hope your experience of this Site will be intellectually stimulating, easy to navigate, and most importantly that you find the information you seek.


E. A. Donald
[CEO, SIMA Abacus]


Do you Want to UNLEASH the INTELLIGENCE in your CHILD?

Click to Get Started or Fill out The Contact Us Form and we will get in Touch!!
