The SIMA Abacus is a specially designed 1/4 beads, wooden or plastic, multi-coloured, Red and Green beads abacus, formulated, designed and patented by the SIMA team. The SIMA Abacus through it photo vision to the right brain increases Beads clarity, Speed and Accuracy more than the standard abacus. Again, the colourful nature of the SIMA Abacus attracts and makes learning fun for children.

The SIMA Abacus was developed after lengthy studies, researches and experiments.

Arithmetic is calculations performed on the four (4) basic operation signs, that is, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Example (7+8), (6 –2), (4 X 5), (9 ÷ 3), etc.

Mental Arithmetic is a form of calculations done solely by the human mind. It is using ones mental power to perform arithmetical calculations without the use of any physical gadget such as calculators, computers or even the mobile phones. Mental Arithmetic is sometimes referred to as Mental Maths, though Mathematics is far broader than Arithmetic. However, Arithmetic is the foundation for Mathematics.

SIMA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic means doing mental arithmetic using the principles of the SIMA abacus. When a child is familiar and skilful in the use of the SIMA Abacus, the child will be able to calculate faster. By engaging the SIMA Abacus imaginary, the child’s brain is trained to work like the SIMA Abacus resulting in right brain development. This, among other activities, is the reason SIMA students calculate faster than the calculator.

Although there currently exists many sophisticated calculating gadgets such as calculators, computers, etc, the Abacus and Mental Arithmetic is still very relevant and on the advice of early childhood education experts, a must in this 21st century.  This is because of the Abacus and Mental Arithmetic education’s whole brain development attributes.

Again, unlike the Abacus that builds brain power, the use of these modern digital calculating devices actually kills brain power to the extent that, basic calculation, retention and recall of simple numbers can hardly be done mentally today except with the use of calculators, computers and mobile phones (by so doing, we unconsciously give up our brain power to these gadgets).

According to science, the human brain is divided into two symmetrical hemispheres. The Left brain hemisphere and the Right brain hemisphere. The Left brain (Logical brain) controls the right part of the body and as such the activities of the right hand stimulates and help develop the left brain. The opposite is true for the Right brain (Creative brain).

More than eighty percent (80%) of the world’s population are right-handed which means they tend to stimulate and develop more of their left brain and less of the right brain.

By adopting both-hand abacus manipulation method, the SIMA Abacus programme enables its students to stimulate and develop both the left and the right brain simultaneously leading to whole brain development.

According to Ms. Shizuko Amaiwa (Professor, Shinshu University, College of Education),                         a researcher, the study of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic has ripple effects on other school subjects. In Shizuko’s words, “My research findings show that abacus study not only improves the ability to calculate both on the abacus and mentally, but also provides a beneficial ripple effect on other disciplines”.

This is very true because a good number of our students, parents, guardians and formal school teachers have testified that their wards’ subject grades improved tremendously since joining the SIMA Abacus and Mental-Arithmetic Academy.

“The SIMA Abacus is really a great programme. I saw the progress and impact it has made even in school subjects during the just ended exams”   – Mr John Akujuobi (teacher, Kenry School)

No! The SIMA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic is NOT a mathematics programme rather SIMA uses arithmetic (a branch and foundation of mathematics) as its whole brain development process. However, because arithmetic is the foundation of mathematics, you immediately begins to see the impact on mathematics, then, on the other subjects.

Arithmetic in general is very important in helping young children build up solid academic foundation. Early child educators agree that it is a huge challenge getting young children to understand and appreciate concept of numbers and their values.

With the use of the SIMA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic method, these young children can now comprehend and appreciate numerical relationships and their values via the manipulation of the beads of SIMA Abacus which is a concrete object.

Again, by engaging these young children in arithmetic computation mentally, SIMA programme helps to effectively tap into the unexplored parts of the brain and therefore promote overall intelligence. The SIMA Abacus & Mental-Arithmetic programme sharpens the imaginative, creative and memory power in children.

The younger the better. Studies show that a child’s body cells are 70% developed when the child reaches 3 years of age and 100% developed when he/ she is 4 years old. When the cells are near full development, it is the best time to start effective child education, Mental-Arithmetic inclusive.

Again, the right brain is very active in children from the moment of birth to about 12 years and begins to decline in some of its features after 12 years of age. If right brain development activities are not commenced around this period, some of these right brain properties may be lost as one grows older. Therefore, SIMA Academy’s recommendation of 3 to 14 years.

Through extensive research and programme development, we have incorporated advance and effective learning strategies and materials into the SIMA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic curriculum. Each session is full of engaging, memory games, rhymes, hands-on activities, digital practice, individual and group competitions, etc. The activity based nature of the SIMA programme helps our students to easily absorb the concepts and perform mental calculations within the shortest interval of being enrolled in the programme.


By enrolling your child in the SIMA Abacus and Mental-Arithmetic programme your child stands to gain, among other benefits, the following:

► developed left and right brain.

► sharpens his/ her creative, imaginative and photographic memory.

► promotes longer concentration span.

► builds strong memory power.

► boosts confidence and self-esteem.

► builds higher calculation speed and accuracy.

► improves listening skills.

► the colourful SIMA Abacus and activity based nature of the programme makes learning fun

We have various ways mapped out to enable our parents to assist or guide their wards at home.

  1. Management–Parents Forum: At this forum, parents and guardians will be taught the basics of the SIMA concepts and shown how to assist their wards at home to ensure steady progression and smooth completion of the programme.
  2. Good Teacher–Parent Relationship: Our friendly Course Instructors create a receptive, conducive and welcoming atmosphere for easy interaction with our parents or guardians.
  3. The SIMA’s digital practice system supports students to practice on their own without totally relying on parents’ assistance at home. This means less assistance and supervision time which affords parents more time to do other things.
  4. The SIMA online practice also ensures regular practice at home.
  5. Customer Care: This is a special unit in our organisation charged with the responsibility to keep our students, parents or guardians, school owners and authorities happy and satisfied.

This depends largely on the age of the child and whether the child started at the pre–Basic classes or the Basic 1 level.

  • If your child started at the Basic 1 level, all things been equal, it will take approximately 4 years to complete the course.
  • If the child at the time of enrolment is 3 years, the child will start at the first pre–Basic class, then it will take the child 7 years to complete the entire SIMA programme at which time your child will be 10 years old, all things being equal.

The programme is structured for 2 hours per session in a week at the Saturday learning centres whereas in the school base programme, it is one hour per session twice a week.

Based on scientific research, the SIMA Abacus programme has got ripple effects on other subjects. Again, because the programme deals with mind activation which opens up the mind to absorb and comprehend easily, it will definitely improve your child’s performance in school not just at the completion of the programme, but also during the course of learning it.

  • Colourful SIMA Abacus which enhances speed and accuracy and makes learning fun.
  • Rhymed Concepts which supports brain development.
  • Both-Hand Abacus manipulation which stimulates and develops the left and right brain hemispheres.
  • Flash Card education which helps neurons to form synapses (network) in the brain leading to strong memory system.
  • Digital Practice which supports regular practice and reduces students’ dependency on parents or guardian to do their homework.

SIMA Abacus programme is a lifelong whole brain development and enhancement programme. Once the brain is developed and enhanced, it opens doors for one to excel in every sphere of life, such as Sciences, Technical, Business, Technology, etc.


Students in the Junior High Schools (Junior Secondary School) can partake in the programme since most of them are still within the 3 to 13 age bracket.

The programme is essentially about right brain development which its full potential is better tapped at an early stage in life. Beyond 15 years of age, one might not enjoy all the benefits attributed to the programme.

However, some level of memory retention, mental calculation speed and accuracy can be gained but not as much as the younger kids.

Yes! Every student can form the structure of the SIMA abacus in his/ her brain provided care was taken to lay solid foundation during abacus computation training. This is easily achieved if the student is regular and punctual in class attendance, practice, homework, etc. Once abacus manipulation standard is achieved, mental calculation comes naturally.

Abacus and Mental Arithmetic is not only about positive values but negative numbers computation as well. This process helps to induce active thinking, beads observation and analysis, judgment and quick response in these SIMA students.

First, visit the SIMA Abacus website. Then, go to the menu, and REGISTAR your ward. Once, your registration is processed and fees paid, study material is sent to you. Once you confirm the reception of the SIMA study materials, a password is sent to you to access the course.

Beyond the 2 to 3 hours required for the class per week, daily 30 minutes of supervised-practice investment into the programme will automatically transform your word into a Super Champion within the shortest imaginable time. Try and See!

No! The U-Practice is for all students, both Online and Offline students. The U-Practice is a continuation of the Class whether online or offline. All students must ensure they visit the SIMA Abacus website to participate in the U-Practice after every class. Very importantly.


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