Our Uniqueness

Here, we shall share with you the reasons to choose SIMA as the most suitable brain development, Abacus & Mental Arithmetic programme for your child on the following points:

  • Multi-coloured SIMA Abacus
  • Rhymed Concept Learning
  • Both Hands Methodology
  • Multi-coloured Flash Card Training
  • Digital/ ANZAN Practice
  • E-Learning

I. Multi-Coloured Abacus (The SIMA Abacus)

To understand the treasure in the SIMA Abacus, it is important to start with a brief history and the evolution of the Abacus.The Abacus is an ancient counting device and has evolved over the centuries to provide the most advanced computations possible on a manual device.

The abacus has over 5000 years history with the ancient civilisation of Greek, Roman, Babylonian and Egyptian counting devices (between 3000 - 4000 BC) becoming the basis for the formulation of the Chinese Abacus (Suan-pan) in the year 1200. The Chinese abacus is a wooden 2/5 beads abacus.

The abacus continued to undergo more evolutions in Line-board (1400), Schoty (1600) and in 1930 became Soroban after the Chinese abacus was introduced to Japan. The Japanese modified the Chinese abacus to a wooden or plastic 1/4 beads abacus called the Soroban by the Japanese people or standard abacus by non-Japanese students.

In 2014, after lengthy studies, researches and experiments, the SIMA team came up with the   SIMA Abacus. The SIMA Abacus is a 1/4 beads, wooden or plastic, multi-coloured, Red-Green beads abacus with black frame.

The SIMA Abacus through its photo vision to the right brain increases Clarity, Speed and Accuracy more than the standard abacus. Again, the colourful nature of the SIMA Abacus attracts kids and makes learning fun them. The SIMA Abacus Academy has the right on the “SIMA Abacus” device.

II) Rhymed Concepts

A Japanese neuroscientist and Brain Trainer, Ryuta Kawashima shocked the world when his researches showed that deep thinking and solving difficult mathematics problems does not really result into higher brain activities rather solving simple mathematics quickly and reading aloud does.

This is the reason SIMA Abacus Academy has adopted the rhymed concept-formulae technique. Again, SIMA trains its students to solve between 100 and 200 arithmetic questions within 8 to 10 minutes which greatly supports higher brain activities and development in SIMA students.

III) Both Hand Methodology

SIMA operates two (2) hands abacus manipulation system. When your child uses the  SIMA Abacus, he/ she moves the beads up and down in different columns, each bead and movement representing a number. As the child uses both hands in performing speed arithmetic calculations, the child develops the left (logical) and the right (creative) brain hemispheres.

The movement of the SIMA Abacus beads stimulates quick communication between the logical and creative brains. The more these two are used simultaneously, the faster and more intelligent your child becomes.

By learning the SIMA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic using both hands, the child stimulates:

  1. The sense of sight (VISUAL)
  2. The sense of hearing (AUDITORY)
  3. The sense of feeling (KINESTHETIC)
  4. The ability to imagine (IMAGINATION)

When these four (4) senses are stimulated simultaneously, the child’s intellectual capacity is enhanced quickly. This, among other things, is the reason SIMA students calculate very fast.

IV) Multi-Coloured Flash Card Education

The application of flash card teaching method is one of the most effective ways to engineer brain development in children. Scientist have explained that, the more the nerve endings (dendrite) of the neurons in the brain connect (network) to form synapses, the stronger the brain’s Memory System.

Flash card training help children to build network of neurons in their brains. The more images you flip, the more synapses are made in the brain. This results in strong memory system in the SIMA Abacus learners. It also builds visualisation skills easily.


V) Digital/ ANZAN Practice

It is a known fact that the education of a child involves four main parties, the Parent, the Child,   the Teacher (School) and the Environment. Lack of serious commitment from any of these parties will certainly result in some form of deficiency in the child’s learning.

In today’s busy world, most parents and guardians go to work and do not return home till late in the night after their wards must have gone to bed. This results in children just playing, viewing TV or surfing the internet rather than do their homework. Obviously, this lack of attention from the parents affects children performance academically, especially the Abacus & Mental-Maths education because of its interactive nature. The Abacus and Mental Maths education requires regular practice both in class and at home to achieve Excellence, Speed and Accuracy.

This is how the SIMA Abacus Academy uses modern digital gadgets to bring to relevance today, the ancient art and science of abacus computation.

In providing solution to the challenge, the SIMA Abacus team has developed a technology to help our learners practice and do their homework without overly relying on their parents, who mostly are not at home anyway.  We are in the information and technological era, so, the SIMA digital practice helps to maintain the relevancy of Abacus & Mental-Arithmetic education in this 21st century.

VI) E-Learning

The arrival of the current Information & digital era, impacted all sectors of human endeavour, education inclusive. The education sector has witnessed an unprecedented growth in online learning (e-learning) and Information Marketing.  Again, the outbreak of pandemics such as COVID-19 have greatly popularized online learning as many now learn, study and work from home.

In SIMA Abacus Academy, we have a top-notch Online Course that affords our learners the opportunity to study at the conveniency and comfort of their homes without losing quality.

These, and many more separate us from other Mental Maths groups!



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