
SIMA Abacus: Unlocking Young Minds’ Potential

 Sima Abacus  

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  Unlocking the Potential of Young Minds: The Comprehensive Benefits of the SIMA Abacus Programme A SIMA Abacus learner In the realm of education, the quest for innovative methodologies that foster holistic development in children is an ongoing journey. The SIMA Abacus programme stands out as a beacon, transcending conventional

SIMA Abacus: Its impact on Your Child’s Brain

 Sima Abacus  

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Enhancing Cognitive Development: The Impact of SIMA Abacus Mental Arithmetic Programme on Your Child’s Brain In the fast-paced digital era, where technological advancements dominate every aspect of our lives, it is crucial to equip children with skills that foster cognitive development and critical thinking. One such avenue is the SIMA

SIMA Abacus Reclaiming Stolen Intelligence: The Impact of Modern Gadgets

 Sima Abacus  

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SIMA Abacus Reclaiming Stolen Intelligence In a world inundated with technological marvels and digital conveniences, our reliance on modern gadgets has redefined the way we interact, think, and problem-solve. From smartphones that hold a universe of information in our pockets to smart devices automating our daily tasks, the allure of


Abacus learning and its Importance | SIMA Abacus

 Goldman Precious  

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 Why Is Abacus Learning Important for Children?   In the ever-evolving world of education, finding innovative methodologies that support children’s holistic development is essential. Abacus learning stands out, offering much more than just improved math skills. This ancient tool enhances cognitive development, providing children with a strong foundation for academic

A Review of the Effects of Abacus Training on Cognitive Functions and Neural Systems in Humans

 Goldman Precious  

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Abacus, which represents numbers via a visuospatial format, is a traditional device to facilitate arithmetic operations. Skilled abacus users, who have acquired the ability of abacus-based mental calculation (AMC), can perform fast and accurate calculations by manipulating an imaginary abacus in mind. Due to this extraordinary calculation ability in AMC
