Introduction to Franchise Business

What is a Franchise?

A Franchise is a business module in which the right to use a proven business model and trademark is granted to another party in return for an initial fee (License) and a periodic payment (Royalty) within the duration of the agreement.

It is the granting of right by the Franchisor (owner and seller of license) to the Franchisee (buyer of the license), to use an identified business system, with a particular name or trademark, within an agreed territory, for an agreed period and terms. The license gives the franchisee the right to use the franchisor’s trademarks, processes and systems, logos and signage, software and other tools and systems defined in the franchise contract.

SIMA Abacus Academy has successfully trained Nigerian kids who have excelled in speed Abacus & Mental Maths computation and whole brain development and we are now ready to share our success stories with the Nigeria public and people overseas.

At SIMA Abacus, our team of professionals shall dedicate themselves to supporting our potential franchisee to purchase and replicate our business model in their locality. This will help the new franchisee eliminate many of the start-up problems and enable a business person with sincere commitment but little or no experience in the abacus and mental Maths education industry to become part of this big family, and maximise profit thereof. Through our support system, we provide continuous advice and supervision to maintain quality standard and guarantee sustainable success.

SIMA Franchise Package

SIMA Abacus Academy has successfully trained students in Nigeria who have excelled in speed Abacus Mental Maths calculation and whole brain development and we are now ready to share our success stories with you in mind.

How does the SIMA franchise business work?

The moment one signs up to be a SIMA franchisee (Area Distributor), one receives business and technical training. This will help one gain comprehensive understanding on planning, marketing, pricing, administration, staffing, technical and finance. Again, potential course instructor(s) appointed by the franchisee will be given technical training. This all-round skills transfer will empower the new franchisee to easily and successfully replicate the SIMA business model within his/ her territory.

As a SIMA Abacus franchisee, one becomes the sole representative right of the SIMA brand in a particular territory/ locality. The franchisee with the support of the SIMA corporate office, sets up and runs learning centres and also introduce the programme to schools. In both cases, the franchisee receives tuition fee from his/ her customers and in turn pays a fraction to the corporate office as royalty.

Summary of the SIMA franchise package:

  • Information provision
  • Business skill transfer
  • Marketing support
  • Course Instructors training
  • Learning material provision
  • Classroom designs, arrangements and organisations
  • Continuous professional advisory supports and supervision

Benefits of the SIMA Franchise Business

Here are some of the reasons for our success that will make you choose us:

  1. SIMA Abacus is a proven Academic and Business Concept. We shall provide potential franchisee with a blueprint for success which reduces risk of failure – High likelihood of Success.
  2. Low start-up capital. This means that potential franchisee will not have to break the bank to raise the required start-up capital.
  3. Easy access to capital because of a well-defined system, proven success of the product, expert support from the Franchisor and worldwide success story of the franchise business
  4. A mentorship that lasts the life time of the Franchise Agreement. This empowers SIMA Abacus franchisees to jump over business start-up hurdles.
  5. Peer networking
  6. Continuous technical training for franchisee’s course instructors, latest information and support in management & administration.
  7. Continuous Research and Development of Syllabus.
  8. SIMA being a new business idea in the education sector offers the franchisee a great opportunity for income generation and profit maximization.
  9. Exclusivity of Territory
  10. No “master – servant” relationship but mutual partnership.


Who is qualify to apply for the SIMA Abacus Franchise?

  • One who is passionate and willing to influence the lives of our future generation positively via human resource development and capacity building.
  • He/ she who is ready to play a part in the development of his/ her country.
  • One who loves working with children – challenging them to strive beyond their normal limit.
  • One who enjoys and eager to participate in innovations.
  • Commitment to lifelong learning and personal development.
  • One with great entrepreneurial spirit, willing to invest and work for good returns on their investment.
  • One who desires to be his/ her own boss.
  • An educated house wife who wants to earn good income to support and care for her family.
  • One who desires to build life long career for him/ herself.
  • One who shares SIMA’s vision, mission, values, teaching methodology and willing to commit and abide by them.
  • A graduate who is tired of seeking employment but now ready to be self-employed.
  • A professionally trained teacher who desires to make an extra-ordinary impact beyond the formal school system.


SIMA Abacus Franchisee Acquisition Procedure

Here are some simple steps to take in order to own and run a SIMA Franchise.

Step1: Determine the location you desire to own, consider and then do a feasibility studies.

Step 2: Download Application Form below, complete the form and submit online at

Step 3: If accepted, you will be sent sample Agreement for perusal then invited later for signing.

Step 4: Payment of License Fee

Step 5: Franchisee Training (Business & Technical)

Step 6: Training of Course Instructors

Step 7: Review of the entire process and commencement date.

Step 8: Publicity and Marketing

Step 9: Start of Business

Franchise Enquiry

“Come join us, together as partners, we shall create great minds, develop quality human capacity and build brain power in our future generations”


Do you Want to UNLEASH the INTELLIGENCE in your CHILD?

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