How SIMA Abacus Works.

In order to understand how the SIMA Abacus & Mental Maths programme works, it is important to first of all have a basic idea on how the human brain works (brain functions) and communicates with the other parts of the body (nervous system).

In the study of the nervous system (how the nerves and specialised cells in human body helps the brain to communicate and transit signals to other parts of the body), we discover that the nervous system has two components - central and peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system being the brain, spinal cord and nerves whiles the peripheral nervous system consists of sensory neurons, ganglia (clusters of neurons) and nerves that connect to one another and to the central nervous system.

The brain is the central information processing unit of the body, it gathers and processes information and then triggers the appropriate response that is, instructing the body on what to do. The brain has five major parts, of which the cerebrum is the largest and most-developed in humans. It is the cerebrum that largely controls our feelings, emotions, thinking, hearing, vision, personality and much more.

And scientific studies have shown that, the more neuron (specialised brain cells) one grows, the more capacity such a person has to think.

Billions of Neurons in the Human Brain

Consequently, by constantly manipulating the SIMA Abacus, students develop more neurons in their brain via the stimuli provided to the cerebrum (central nervous system) by the several contacts the fingers tips (peripheral nervous system) make with the SIMA Abacus. 

Besides neuron growth, the connections or networking (synapses) of these neurons is very important because it activates the brain cells and builds strong memory system. And the SIMA learning materials like the Flash Cards facilitates the achievement of neuron connections. There are over trillions of neuron connections (synapses) in the brain but the more the better.


Brain Functions

Again, the cerebrum is made up of two brain hemispheres, which are commonly referred to as the left brain and right brain, as discovered by Roger Wolcott Sperry. Studies have shown that most of us have a dominant brain which we rely on extensively for day to day functioning. The left brain also known as the Digital brain, which is right hand stimulated, is responsible for logical and systematic processing of information and is associated with reasoning, analysing, speech & language, science & maths, etc.

The right brain also known as the Analogue brain, which is left hand stimulated, on the other hand is the brain for imagination & creativity and it is concerned with holistic thinking functions such as figuring out colours, geometrical shapes, rhythm, music, arts, crafts, etc.


Consequently, SIMA Abacus Education Group has adopted both-hand abacus manipulation methodology which enables our learners to develop both the left and right hemispheres of their brains.

By engaging the SIMA Abacus imaginary, students convert numbers (controlled by the Left brain) to images, that is, the beads of the SIMA Abacus (controlled by the Right brain) for processing and when the answer is achieved, they then re-convert to numbers in the left brain before saying or writing down the answer (these actions take place in seconds). In doing so, both the Left and Right brain hemispheres work and co-ordinate together leading to whole Brain Development.

Furthermore, because the Right Brain recalls and reacts faster to situations than the left brain, SIMA Abacus learners doing calculations with the right brain hemisphere rather than the left, naturally calculate faster than non-abacus learners, calculator and other computation machines without the use of any physical gadget.

Albert Eistain
Albert Einstein

“When both right and left hemispheres of our brain are combined and used effectively together, the results could be astonishing.”

“When the brain is whole, the unified consciousness of the left and right hemispheres adds up to more than the individual properties of the separate hemispheres.”

Roger Wolcott Sperry

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